Medina Solaria And Thalasso i Yasmine Hammamet

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TunesienMedina Solaria And Thalasso



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Medina solaria and thalasso,, Rue De La Médina - Yasmine Hammamet, Yasmine Hammamet 8050, Tunisia
kontakter telefon: +216 72 241 959
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Latitude: 36.3698037, Longitude: 10.539232

kommentar 5

  • Catalin Dumitrescu

    Catalin Dumitrescu


    It is a excelent location. I recomand for a good vacation.

  • A S

    A S


    Hotel should be classed 3 star max not 5 star! Great location but very poor hotel food & services. You have to also pay for the safe in your room & mini bar is left empty! How is this 5 star! I could go on.

  • John MçLelland

    John MçLelland


    Excellent hotel with staff who can't do enough for you. Very helpful and pleasant, the rooms are comfortable and big with rose petals and towels shaped as swans or hearts a nice touch. Grounds are pleasant and the pool looks welcoming. Beach is over the road and nearby are shops with everything priced the shops under the hotel can be a bit pricey and you meet a lot of cooks from your hotel a bit tedious that but nothing to do with hotel. I would go back and recommend for an all inclusive holiday.

  • Stephen Burnan

    Stephen Burnan


    My wife and I have returned to the Madina this year and as last year the hotel is excellent. The staff are very friendly .the rooms are always very clean. For a 4 star hotel the food is exceptionall. And a lot of choices. The new animation team are very good I would like to give them all 5 stars for the hard work they do .

  • Adel Djellal

    Adel Djellal


    Nice hotel with very nice rooms and staff, very good buffet in the breakfast and the diner. However some problems with room service, room doors do not open very often, water leaks (picture) in toilet. And for our three day stay, very lame room cleaning service that did not even put new soap (picture). Unfortunately, the service we found does not worth five-star hotel. Also the internet connection is very weak. Finally, the quality/price ratio is very good.

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