Le Royal Hotels and Resorts - Hammamet i Yasmine Hammamet

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TunesienLe Royal Hotels and Resorts - Hammamet



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Yasmine Hammamet B.P 237 8050، Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia
kontakter telefon: +216 72 244 999
internet side: www.leroyal.com
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Latitude: 36.380824, Longitude: 10.547969

kommentar 5

  • Sumaya Nakawuma

    Sumaya Nakawuma


    Spent 8 days in this beautiful hotel, definitely worth it, but during day time room service is a little slow. Other than that I would recommend it. Thank you Le Royal for a great experience.

  • Sumarah Mohammed

    Sumarah Mohammed


    Room was okay but there was an odd smell from the bathroom every so often. Room cleanliness was good just a little outdated in the bathrooms. Restaurant staff were very nice and helpful. We could hear music at nights around 11pm not sure if it was from the hotel or surrounding hotels. The beach, gardens and pools were breath taking. Wifi was good in the lobby but was very poor on our phones in the room. Overall the staff were friendly.

  • Ben Salem

    Ben Salem


    Our stay was overall average except for the last interaction with the security guard called Hassen at the front door who was really impolite and unnecessarily aggressive when we were leaving the hotel. He just ruined my day. It's a shame that the hotel has many really nice employees and at the same time some truly horrible elements. Breakfast is poor and repetitive. IT gets boring very quickly. Overall I don't recommend this hotel and I will not go back to it.

  • Gurdit Singh

    Gurdit Singh


    Stayed at the hotel for about 7nts (half board). The hotel it’s self is clean & tidy. Food options aren’t that great (3 stars for that) definitely needs a better labelling system. Some employees are helpful & polite, however some need to be trained on basics.

  • A Webb

    A Webb


    March 2019 I will give this place 5 stars for the price. The hotel service is amazing, the people are extremely nice. The hotel manager is extremely kind. He upgraded our room! -The rooms need a little bit of updating (1232) But everything is extremely clean. -my wife and I are most impressed with the pools and the outdoor area. -The grounds are well-maintained and green everything is so green. -the indoor pool is very nice and clean! -the good is food. Drinks are not included in the price

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