Golden Tulip Taj Sultan i Yasmine Hammamet

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TunesienGolden Tulip Taj Sultan


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Yasmine Hammamet 8050, Tunisia
kontakter telefon: +216 72 240 290
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.3600583, Longitude: 10.5315123

kommentar 5

  • Andra Enache

    Andra Enache


    Great hotel, close to the beach and with nice food. I loved staying there for a week, the staff was always very friendly and polite. I would reccommend it to anyone who wants to enjoy some days of holiday or wants to conference conferences and congresses.

  • Mohamed Elakouri

    Mohamed Elakouri


    Excellent hotel, breakfast was amazing, then I was nice to with variety of dishes you can choose from, it wasn't that expensive for a five stars hotel!

  • Ruan Souzacaetano

    Ruan Souzacaetano


    Hotel Is very good. Staff amazing. Its an awesome place for congress or only for vacations

  • Caroline Uchiha

    Caroline Uchiha


    Till now is being really good. The people here are really amazing and helpful! And the food and accommodation are very amazing. No complains so far and don't think it will happens.

  • Kevin LVN

    Kevin LVN


    The hotel lobby and swimming pool area is very beautiful. The food is alright, nothing special or exciting. The hotel staff is welcome and polite, but not really helpful with the area information and hotel information. They did not tell us about indoor pool which we discovered by ourselves and could not explain better where is cash machine. The view was amazing from the room and the beach is very just within minute walk. Good location if you like to relax.

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