Hotel Dar El Olf i Hammamet

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TunesienHotel Dar El Olf


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8050, Rue Sidi Bou Ali, Hammamet, Hammamet, TN Tunisia
kontakter telefon: +216 72 244 322
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.3604975, Longitude: 10.5286143

kommentar 5

  • Omar Dakhane

    Omar Dakhane


    The worst hotel experience in Tunisia. Too much noise of annoying music all the time. No fridges at rooms and when we complained they told us we can keep our water in the reception refrigerator (I thought they were kidding). The staff attitude is the definition of zero professionalism. The furniture has stains all over it. No towels in the rooms. Avoid this place at any cost. Not sure how they are considered (or consider themselves) a four stars hotel. It my opinion they can qualify even for one star.

  • Porco Bravo

    Porco Bravo


    Carpets need changing... dated and worn out. Staff is great except the bar ones!

  • Wajid Hussain

    Wajid Hussain


    Beautiful place. Beautiful people. Miss it so much. Can’t wait to see them all again next year

  • amine sessi

    amine sessi


    I dont recommend this hotel it does not deserve even a star, the food is like you are eating a plastic bag, staff are not friendly, the air-conditioner is a junk it doesn't even work, the parking is too small, the water pool is too dirty his color is nearly yellow and the pool is small too, also the hotel is closed from 10pm after 10pm u will not find anyone no staff no security. This hotel is a real disaster its my biggest mistake that i passed a week here, i really dont recommend to passe even an hour

  • Ben Farhat

    Ben Farhat


    Don’t waste your vacation here , very bad experience , not enough play room for kids , very cheap junk food. Not helpful staff.

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