Radisson Blu Palace Resort & Thalasso, Djerba i Mezraya

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TunesienRadisson Blu Palace Resort & Thalasso, Djerba



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Houmt Souk Djerba, Mezraya 4128, Tunisia
kontakter telefon: +216 75 757 600
internet side: www.radissonblu.com
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Latitude: 33.8706078, Longitude: 10.9591664

kommentar 5

  • White Crown

    White Crown


    Old, filthy and moldy rooms! This "palace" itself is absolutely nothing special however the "good" news is that the quality of the food and services that this "hotel" offers is extremely OVERPRICED! Also the staff was arrogant and unhelpful! From a score of 1-10 I would rate it -1!

  • Mustafa Taleb

    Mustafa Taleb


    You wont find too many options for a five stars hotel in Djerba. I found this a reasonable price hotel in a low season timing. The hotel is a bit old furnitured. But, to be honest the hotel is luxurious and very clean. Rooms are large and quite. Staff are all friendly and helpful. I didnt like the toilet design, but overall i liked the hotel. Breakfast was delicious and wide range. View were amazing. There is a lovley shisha lounge that i really liked it. I will surely stay here next time i visit Djerba, although, it is a bit old furnitured.

  • Firas Koukene

    Firas Koukene


    One fo the best hotels in Djerba . Good food good service and I had fun doing the activities . The only problem is the wi-fi

  • Andrew Abramov

    Andrew Abramov


    Clean nice place. With local features.

  • Ginger Pilot

    Ginger Pilot


    I experienced 3 perfect days there (February 2018). I specially liked the well maintained inner pool. Personal very friendly and helpful.

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