Hasdrubal Prestige Thalassa & Spa Djerba i Mezraya

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TunesienHasdrubal Prestige Thalassa & Spa Djerba



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Plage de Sidi Mehrez, BP 120 – Houmt Souk Djerba, Mezraya 4180, Tunisia
kontakter telefon: +216 75 759 259
internet side: prestige.hasdrubal-thalassa.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.8598314, Longitude: 10.9802496

kommentar 5

  • Franck PRIME

    Franck PRIME


    I try to book: I leave them a message, no answer. A second, no answer. I call them: I am put on hold for 10 minutes and then hang up. I contact them by facebook, they read and blacklist. Obviously, they are too busy! we have been going to 10 families for 11 years at DJERBA, we went there and it's still empty. either they do not like the French, or they are totally 0.

  • Lily Baffour

    Lily Baffour


    Great service. They pay attention attention to detail. Very clean and maintained property. I will surely recommend this hotel for upscale travelers.

  • Jad Bitar

    Jad Bitar


    Nice hotel and good service. Spa needs to be improved

  • Raghu Raghavan

    Raghu Raghavan


    This is a gorgeous hotel, and the staff (especially at breakfast) is absolutely first rate. Our suite was huge, with an equally huge deck, with views of the Mediterranean. Very nice private beach, totally empty for early morning walks.

  • Robert Streefkerk

    Robert Streefkerk


    Looking for a peace and quiet time in the best luxe hotel you can imagine, then go to the Hasdrubal Prestige. Large junior suites with enormous balcony. Beautiful garden, Pools and Thalassa. A la carte restaurants and great service.

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