Djerba Sun Club i Mezraya

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TunesienDjerba Sun Club


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Bp 92 Zone Touristique Sidi Mahrez, Mezraya 4179, Tunisia
kontakter telefon: +216 75 758 758
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Latitude: 33.859364, Longitude: 10.97463

kommentar 5

  • Cillian Lyons

    Cillian Lyons


    An 80's inspired resort that hasn't been updated. If you want to feel like you're on a cruise ship then this is your place. Good for families.

  • rus ssia

    rus ssia


    Place is great for families and old people like my wife and I. Love this hotel and have been here three times and will be back...

  • Nadine Nerinckx

    Nadine Nerinckx


    Stays there at the end of March. Temperature was nice but a bit too cold to enjoy the outdoor pools. Reasonably clean and nice rooms. Food was good. Also a lot of local people stayd there. Grounds and gardens are well kept. Outside the hotel a lot of garbage in the streets. Animation team very friendly and not to pusshy when you're not interested in joining. We had a nice holiday.

  • Felipe Moya Gómez

    Felipe Moya Gómez


    Great clean the food is so good too. Have a private beach and some diferent swimming pool

  • _eleney_



    Very good animation. Hotel service is speaking in many languages, there will be at least one language you'll understand.

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