The Residence Tunis i Marsa

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TunesienThe Residence Tunis



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Rue de la côte d'Ivoire, Marsa, El Marsa, TN Tunisia
kontakter telefon: +216 71 910 101
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Latitude: 36.926593, Longitude: 10.275233

kommentar 5

  • Martin Weland

    Martin Weland


    Great hotel with excellent staff. Nice spacious rooms and fantastic breakfast buffet. The evening restaurants could offer a few more variations in dishes and private strech of the public beach could be cleaner. The gym was quite linited too. But overall we had an excellent stay.

  • King ANK

    King ANK


    So comfortable and nice workers but everything it is so expensive.

  • Mohamed HIDRI

    Mohamed HIDRI


    One of the few hotels in Tunisia which run in a proper manner. Excellent attention to the details in every aspects and lovely personnel. Loved the very tasty and frech traditional Tunisian brekfast being offered in the restaurant. Only small downside is the standard brand of water they use in the hotel tastes super bad. Better switch to better quality like safia or sabrine.

  • Håvar Bauck

    Håvar Bauck


    Lovely place throughout! Elegant, classic luxury with lots of marble. The Residence is part of the GHA program, so I got a suite upgrade. Very spacious, and that never hurts! The spa is to die for, and don't leave the place without spending some time in the hammam! Loved the indoor dam with the live tortoises!

  • Sioux Lees

    Sioux Lees


    I travelled to Tunis on business this last weekend, staying at The Residence and what a beautiful experience this was! Out of season, so quieter than it might usually be, and yet all of the staff regardless delivered top notch service and warm, genuine hospitality. I can't remember last when I felt so at home. Add to this, the sumptuous bedrooms and bathrooms, the incredible breakfasts with divine French pastries and you have the perfect combination. And don't miss the Tunisian Chardonnay - an unexpected delight...

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