Regency Tunis Hotel i Marsa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TunesienRegency Tunis Hotel


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B.P 705 – 2078 Gammarth, Marsa 2013, Tunisia
kontakter telefon: +216 71 910 900
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.939868, Longitude: 10.2529585

kommentar 5

  • Jay



    Pros: Great reception desk; Comfy rooms; Air conditioning; Swimming pool; Cons: Rude waiters get upset if you want to pay by card; You have to lock your luggage or things will be stolen from you by cleaners; Security guards will take things from you that you purchased at a local market and will argue with you in a rude manner. There is no pattern what you can and cannot take to the hotel they just make rules up; Food price and quality is atrocious; Wi-Fi reception is very weak in the room; All in all this feels like glorified hostel rather than hotel. Avoid this place

  • Marius D

    Marius D


    Very unfriendly reception. Locals can spend a day at the pool for a small fee for vouchers (food and drink). As a European you should pay 600 dinars (almost 200 €). you can have luck with trade (handeln) - 320 dinar price. Inside it is partly pretty dirty, service Bad (slowly, wrong drinks) . The pool is nice, but better in the Arena near around) . Unfortunately very unfriendly staff.

  • Michael Praschak

    Michael Praschak


    Very nice hotel direct on the seaside. Pool and direct access to the sea available. Meeting rooms for seminars or workshops. Friendly and competent staff. A little bit old fashioned.

  • Hussain R

    Hussain R


    Hotel is little bit per international standards,its not 5 star..u will struggle with room key..most of the time,i had to go to reception to change the key..staff is very friendly,pool is huge,beach bar with Jacuzzi room service is quick,in general it was nice stay

  • Khouloud Eltaief

    Khouloud Eltaief


    Nice hotel. I had a conference there. The place is highly secured and the workers are nice. Great decoration and a big parking lot for who owns a car. I don't know about prices but in my opinion it's money well spent.

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