Nesrine de Yasmine Hammamet



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AVENUE DE LA PAIX, HAMMAMET, 8050, Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia
contact téléphone: +216 72 226 244
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 36.3925026, Longitude: 10.5574375

commentaires 5

  • Maria Erica

    Maria Erica


    The worse holiday ever! Never ever in this hotel again. Stay far from it. The staff was rude, food was uncooked or burned. Terrible!!! No standard. Dirty and poor hygiene standard.

  • oussema khmiri

    oussema khmiri


    The hotel is in the centre of yassmin hammamet everything is near ( the port, the banks, Carthage land) and the food was cool,

  • Sheddy Bhulji

    Sheddy Bhulji


    Friendly staff . Well located. Food ok

  • corky hill

    corky hill


    This Hotel was very clean i cannot fault that and the room was what you would expect for a 3*. Nesrine is by far not a 4*. The food isn't for the English palette they cater more for the Europeans . Also you can't help yourself to lemonade etc the waiter brings it over, which takes a while as they have one dining hall and everyone starts to queue before 7 to get their favourite seat, it really is unbelievable. I only ate chips/potatoes and rice. The alcohol is watered down, really noticeable as well. Because they water down the beer/lager a few guests including my husband got a bad stomach ending in S&D. The cocktails consist of only 1 spirit and lots and lots of juice.

  • Mitchell Cox

    Mitchell Cox


    It's a grate please food can do with more cooking it was a little undercooked at times but the staff are amazing with the kids and berry friendly and helpful

Lodging la plus proche

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