Bel Air de Hammamet

TunisieBel Air


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Rue de Dougga, 8050, Hammamet, Hammamet, TN Tunisia
contact téléphone: +216 72 226 558
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Latitude: 36.39837, Longitude: 10.565383

commentaires 5

  • Mohamed Belmouhoub

    Mohamed Belmouhoub


    HĂŽtel bat hoss

  • Joe Heffernan

    Joe Heffernan


    We stayed here in 2011, had a really nice time, hotel was lovely, pool was great and staff were really nice. Dissapointed to read so many negative comments now and how bad it's become. The only negative thing I say was the annoying salesman in the shop inside the hotel....con artist! The hotel itself is in a really poor area. You could see the intention was to build it into a great holiday destination but all buildings are either half built or built and deserted which is a shame because it's got an amazing beach, The old town is great for a walk round and the food is pretty decent. Tunisia has huge potential but years of neglect are starting to take it's toll. Overall we had a fantastic holiday as we kept ourselves busy and done trips everyday as there is lots and lots to do especially the pirate day out and the Safari trip, I suppose it's what you make of it but overall one of the best holidays I've ever been on.

  • Bambi Guthrie

    Bambi Guthrie


    Very Disappointing!!!!!!! Everything In room was nasty the floor , Bed, and furniture...And everything In bathroom was broken shower,sink and tolite...There was no running water and no AC.My husband was very upset and went to front desk immediately..They changed our room and the second one was just as bad and this one had a t.v that was busted in multiple places and wires cut up..We had to unplug it from wall cause it was sparking and trying to catch fire....We had to ask for new sheets to have a clean bed and make it ourselves....And when we would ask for tolite paper or towls they would never give them to us... And again my husband was upset at front desk complaining ...Then when dinner time came there was big areas of water everywhere on the floor..And I had to tell my husband to becareful so he wouldn't fall...And when we got to dinning room we had guest not people (really big roaches) crawling on all the tables...I would not recommand this hotel to nobody at all....Don't be fooled by the really nice pictures online...they are fake

  • TJ MacJee

    TJ MacJee


    Worst experience of our lives! Words cannot express how horrible this place is. Just, Don't Go There!

  • Moez Harizi

    Moez Harizi



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