Joya paradise & Spa de Medenine

TunisieJoya paradise & Spa


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Zone Touristique Djerba Midoun Bp 357 Djerba Tunisia, 4116, Tunisia
contact téléphone: +216 98 916 081
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 33.841633, Longitude: 10.993397

commentaires 5

  • daniel sueur

    daniel sueur


    Rapport qualité/ prix imbattable. Restauration de qualité et variée. Equipe d' Animateurs dynamique avec un programme trop répétitif. Complexe très accueillant mais un peu vétuste. Personnel serviable, agréable et dévoué. Très bon séjour. 👍

  • Juba Ferhani

    Juba Ferhani



  • Carolyn Oshanek

    Carolyn Oshanek


    I stayed at Joya Paradise for a week and it was one of the most frustrating experiences I've ever had. No hotel information was relayed to me until I started asking questions and even then, I received partial and even incorrect information. Also, if you're a non-smoker do not book this hotel! There are zero non-smoking areas in this hotel including front reception where even the staff members smoke. As a non-smoker, by day 5 I was litterally gaging in the hallways leading to my room. The only good part of my week was nice bar staff, nice spa staff, the pool and a spacious hotel room. By the end of the week my frustration levels, declining health and having to keep my guard up against scammers and pushy men cancelled out any good parts of my stay. Also, do not book any market excursions from the man who runs the front store at Joya. He will take you on a carpet scam.

  • nasreddine Saad

    nasreddine Saad


    service null

  • Redouane Kaci

    Redouane Kaci


    Super hotel a djerba

Lodging la plus proche

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