Isis Hotel Thalasso and Spa de Midoun

TunisieIsis Hotel Thalasso and Spa



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Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Jeudiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
contact téléphone: +216 75 732 800
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plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 33.842742, Longitude: 10.990534

commentaires 5

  • Bilel Daadouche

    Bilel Daadouche


    Dont expect so munch, but anyway the Hotel have great location,little far form the beach but they have free shuttle back and forth to the beach, yes by Hors :)

  • Oksana Varlamova

    Oksana Varlamova


    Not bad. Very nice staff. Small but clean pool. Good private beach in 5 minute walk. Cuisine is not too diverse, but well cooked and tasty, especially bakery. Not too much activity. Not the cleanest territory, but staff constantly cleans it. Main problem is that people are smoking almost everywhere except rooms and restaurant. Rooms are simple but nice and clean, and couple dinar tips for a maid add some too. Hotel generally deserves 3+, but we definitely liked our stay, I suppose it's a matter of attitude.

  • Paul Seymour

    Paul Seymour


    This place is dirty, unfriendly, damp and dangerous. The pool is a health hazard, green mold in and around the pool, drainage system Brocken with big gaps. If you're planning a visit, I would strongly recommend you find somewhere else to stay.

  • Melanie Görißen

    Melanie Görißen


    I spent a week at the Hotel ISIS Hotel am Spa. the check in is fast.... but I had to carry my suitcase to the room by myself!!!! no service. the toilet was broken. new room - but no help again !! new room ok. Air conditioning works. only problem: always a lot of water in the bathroom on the floor - probably toilet leaking ... ;( housekeeping good and friendly .. ;) Breakfast always the same. little choice. Dinner adequate choice. Service at table only with tips.... otherwise you will be ignored. Restaurant manager rude and arrogant. Drinks ok: coffee 3 TDN. Gin Tonic 10 TDN. Beach about 15 minutes to walk ... no shuttle. but very nice and clean. a lot of entertainment: parachute, boats ... Prices also ok. Pool big and clean. but music too loud! I definitely not come back .....

  • David Hart

    David Hart


    Not 5 star. But the pool was clean and well kept. 2 star hotel at best.

SPA la plus proche

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