Hotel Club Salwa de Borj Cédria

TunisieHotel Club Salwa



🕗 horaire

Zone Touristique Borj Cedria، Borj Cédria 2050, Tunisia
contact téléphone: +216 79 326 194
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 36.7125534, Longitude: 10.4108609

commentaires 5

  • Chess&poker Tunisia

    Chess&poker Tunisia


    Tres mauvais service! C est un bar pas un hotel ! Les chambres ne sont pas propres ! Les moustiques partout ! Les gens le visite pour l alcool et le piscine seulement ! Pas pour passer la nuit la bas ou avoir le dinner

  • fr

    Mi3ad Alajdad



  • en

    Mahdy Ellabben


    Magnificient Peace of Paradise

  • Radhouen Rahmouni

    Radhouen Rahmouni


    This place is a joke

  • gill greens

    gill greens


    It's safe and secure I'm a female staying hear alone the staff are friendly apart from one female on the desk who has not learnt how to smile poor women the restaurant dose not do food the bar is just a sitting room I d on drink alcohol but juice would b nice the swimming pools are to dirty to use the kids park looks like it was abandoned years ago with only a rusty slide and climbing frame left somewhere in the weeds the rooms are basic and bare but clean tv has 2 chanel thr is wifi but signal is very week in the room but saying all that it has gave me all I need for peace and quiet to relax for 2 weeks and I would return hear it costs 3 dinars about £1 for my dinner at a local restaurant cigarettes juice crisps etc are cheap the locals are friendly remember it is a Muslim county so I would not recommend showing to much flesh respect there life ways

Lodging la plus proche

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