Station Thermale de Korbous de Qurbus

TunisieStation Thermale de Korbous


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C 128, Qurbus, Takelsa, TN Tunisia
contact téléphone: +216 72 284 585
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 36.8168429, Longitude: 10.5673682

commentaires 5

  • Alan Einthoven

    Alan Einthoven


    The new improvements of this area are very lovely . It is now more organized and much much more confortable for tourists whether they want to enjoy the Thermal station or swim in the sea . A new car parking place is there for tourists and a more secured and confortable pitched stairs for going down the hill . New garbage cans are implanted everywhere like each 30 meters . So the area is clean. However, the shore is dirty , not by human garbage but by sea waste which makes it hard to find a proper place to swim . The experience of swimming in rocky beach is in itself hard and dangerous but unique. Beware that there is no high level medical facility nearby so all people should really beacrefull and watch their steps and watch out the children . Last and not least , if you never went to korbous then you MUST because it is one place that you might never find like it anywhere else .

  • Christine Crystal Todd

    Christine Crystal Todd


    Amazing and beautiful place definitely changed over the last 15 years in a very good way

  • james w

    james w


    A hot spring flows over rocks into the Mediterranean, making a special place to swim.

  • edoardo cervesato

    edoardo cervesato



  • Abdussalam Bahri

    Abdussalam Bahri


    I went to Korbos on Wednesday 18/01/2017 and decided to try the "jakuzi" in the Chifaa station, well it was not bad but not great either, the showers need maintenance and cleaning.

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