Espace Familial Curubis de Korba

TunisieEspace Familial Curubis



🕗 horaire

Rue Oum Kalthoumی Korba 8070, Tunisia
contact téléphone: +216 90 777 888
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 36.568873, Longitude: 10.865564

commentaires 5

  • Mazen Dine

    Mazen Dine


    Pros: 1-Clean beach and clear water 2- shower Cons: 1- we asked for sandwiches and pizza they said they don’t have cause the oven is not working and sandwiches are not available, the only choice is fish platter. 2- bad service, we asked for water and took them more than 30 minutes. Finally the water is hotttttttt😂 Prices: 25TD for one umbrella with one chair, extra chair for 5 TD 89 TD for open cabana

  • Youssef Ghrimil

    Youssef Ghrimil



  • Yasser J

    Yasser J


    The restaurant is not clean

  • Moondustangel



    Quite nice but too many flies while eating however that was only because we were so close to the beach.

  • Farouk Mejdoub

    Farouk Mejdoub


    A calm and not crowded place, a good destination for a shilly summer night. Family friendly

Restaurant la plus proche

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