Africa Jade Thalasso Hotel Korba de قربة

TunisieAfrica Jade Thalasso Hotel Korba



🕗 horaire

Lundiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Jeudiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
Avenue Habib Bourguiba, 8070, قربة, Korba, TN Tunisia
contact téléphone: +216 72 384 633
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 36.5599231, Longitude: 10.858676

commentaires 5

  • Ahmed Mestiri

    Ahmed Mestiri


    I liked this hotel. It is a very nice hotel and has a good atmosphere. I spent one day there and I loved the food and the drinks at the restaurant located directly on the beach. Nice views with nice sea. Of course I would recommend it and I will definitely go again there.

  • Taha Mellouli

    Taha Mellouli


    We went to spend the day with the 120 dinars from which we got 60 dinars of voucher to use in the beach restaurant bar of Africa Jade What a waste of money, the service was horrible. The waiters were extremely slow, not bringing our plates and we had to remind them hundreds of times. They lack of training and they have no clue what the restaurant has / hasn’t from the menu . Worse, they didn’t bring to us the utensils , tissues , entries before main dishes and desserts. What the heck? Everything is reversed ? I wouldn’t come back, this is going to be the last time . It was so and so and so bad . 3 hours of continuous complain. So disappointing from such a nice hotel (it looks great from inside though but failed completely in presenting the least of service )

  • Endre Glosvik

    Endre Glosvik


    Beautiful hotel with arguably the best beach in the Mediterranean. However keep in mind that this is not a five star hotel meaning that the buffet is overcrowded and there is a shortage of beach towels. Other than that I find it to be a very pleasant place for a beach holiday.

  • Teresa C.

    Teresa C.


    Horrible bar service. They took ages to bring what we ordered. They kept lying and saying they don’t have certain stuff we ordered while you see them bringing it to other tables. Worst service in Tunisia! Khra service! Never again!

  • jaziri nour

    jaziri nour


    Nice hotel with special decorations and lovely staff

Lodging la plus proche

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