Restaurant Dar Zarrouk i Tunis

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TunesienRestaurant Dar Zarrouk


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Hotel Dar Saïd, Rue Tourmi, Sidi-Bou-Said, Tunis, Túnez
kontakter telefon: +216 71 729 666
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Latitude: 36.8709158, Longitude: 10.3491355

kommentar 5

  • Rayen TN

    Rayen TN


    Dar zarrouk is one of the best Luxury and calm places in Sidi Bousaïd , with an amazing view and Delicious food

  • fr

    Gerard Troussel


    Très bien. Service. Qualité. Plats fin Bon couscous et bonne sourie d agneau.

  • fr

    Maud Dou


    vraiment délicieux, le cadre est magnifique, je recommande vraiment.

  • Mouna Sghaier

    Mouna Sghaier


    Dar Zarrouk is a nice restaurant situated in the touristic area of Sidi Bousaid, very well known for its typical tunisian dishes. You can have a great lunch in the restaurant, organize parties in the terrasse or drink a white wine glass in the lounge. The view on the bay of Sidi Bousaid is amazing. The overall quality of service could be improved, waiters don't speak properly french/ english and are most of the time unable to advice the customers. You should count around 40 €/ person including drinks. I recommend anyhow for the great view and the nice location

  • fr

    julien roussel


    Super endroit pour dejeuner entre amis ou le soir en version plus romantique , le service et soigne , le personnel sympa , bref incontournable a sidiboussaid

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