Le Saf Saf i Carthage

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TunesienLe Saf Saf



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Pce du Saf Saf La 2070،, Carthage, Tunisia
kontakter telefon: +216 29 349 001
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 36.8834274, Longitude: 10.3315074

kommentar 5

  • Raed Ghanja

    Raed Ghanja


    Honestly i was expecting more from this place. The is good and beautiful, and there is a good view.. but the service is terrible, a huge delay and bad attitude. Also the place is crowded, and people are fighting to get a chair. This is sad because such place deserve better service.

  • Rafal Sliz

    Rafal Sliz


    Fantastic local food. There is even camel outside. It doesn't look like a perfect place for turists but it is a must. Recommend to go with some local person so you will get the best of of the best. Portions are big and pricing very reasonable. do not miss this one.

  • Ghaith ayadi

    Ghaith ayadi


    This place is kinda nice, but that's the extent of what I have to say. It's very famous, but ut doesn't follow up on that fame. Tea was nothing to brag about

  • Nour Nsheiwat

    Nour Nsheiwat


    Because you can’t go to marsa in Tunis and not visit safsaf :)

  • Sami Bahri

    Sami Bahri


    The heart of La Marsa, a must for every travelller

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