Vincci Helios Beach de djerba

TunisieVincci Helios Beach



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vincci helios beach, djerba 4116, Tunisia
contact téléphone: +216 75 745 110
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 33.8179362, Longitude: 11.0527561

commentaires 5

  • Dandona Almansouri

    Dandona Almansouri


    Very nice hotel really I am so happy because we have best animation here and the bar is very cool with me and my family really I am sorry really happy for all for restaurant and all thank you so much for all

  • Karolis Šarapnickis

    Karolis Šarapnickis


    Limited choices of food. Especially meats - poor quality with skins and bones. WiFi very slow, and only works near the bar. There were some rain during our stay, so the drainage was poor everywhere. Not much to do for young people.

  • Manar Guefrech II

    Manar Guefrech II


    The beach is what i loved the most! the location is just perfect and it is always cleaned. The pool is great too. The staff is so kind, welcoming and always cheerful. Despite the fact that the animation wasn't that good, its dull most of the time and there's nothing really interesting, the animation team is so cool and nice! Rooms are fine except for the bathroom, the bath tubs need to improved!! The food was good, there wasn't a large variety especially in the main course and in the beach and pool bar but still, what matters is the food hygiene. In summer, I HIGHLY recommand the bungalows, it's way quieter. All in all, it was good but NOT a good value for money.

  • Simon Glover

    Simon Glover


    Stayed for 10 days in July 18, in a bungalow. The hotel is very nice, very clean, and most of the staff were nice and friendly, the entertainment staff always had a smile, and provide a great service all day and in to the evening. Food and Service, this was the down side, the food is not the best in fact I would go as far to say to was the worst I have had in a hotel, it not the quality more the choice, evening meal is sometimes hard to find anything that is not over hot (spicy), fish or liver, for the kids if you don’t like pizza then you have dipped. Food at the pool bar for launch was far better for the kids, but this was always over full and getting a table was sometimes hard as the staff are not the fastest, a few times we cleaned the old plates off the table just so we could sit, then came the problem of getting cutlery and a glass. Bungalows are the way ahead if you want a relaxed holiday, nice size rooms, a nice separate pool and beach with no noise, and if you want action then you can still use the main pool. I think I was the only English one, most are German, French, and a few Russians & poles ect Overall not bad, you can tell that all of Tunisia have had a bit of a lean few years and not a lot of money has been invested in to the hotel.

  • decima hoffmann

    decima hoffmann


    We stayed 8 wks .and were very satisfied. Good , clean and all one could want for the money you pay

Lodging la plus proche

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