Verger Des Montagnes de Testour

TunisieVerger Des Montagnes


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Testour, Tunisia
contact téléphone: +216 22 619 548
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Latitude: 36.5693895, Longitude: 9.4383338

commentaires 5

  • Sergio PRETE

    Sergio PRETE


    Bel posto, personale cordiale, anche la cucina è buona, ma i prezzi sono veramente troppo alti. Qualità prezzo non buona

  • Med Anis Mimouni

    Med Anis Mimouni


    Cadre magnifique, ambiance sympa et chaleureuse. Une gastronomie bio et diversifiée. À visiter absolument.

  • Anes Maaref

    Anes Maaref


    Spent the day there. Loved the space and hosts. Warm welcome and lovely exchanges. The food is great with local product and fresh vegetables from their own garden. Will be back soon to taste their other receipes and hopefully spend the night some time soon.

  • Moritz Yvon

    Moritz Yvon


    Absolutely gorgeous place, very friendly and helpful hosts, and the food is delicious and all local and organic. I'd definitely come here again.

  • Vegter van Slooten

    Vegter van Slooten


    absolutely gorgeous! Really lovely people and great food too!

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