Tunis-Carthage International Airport i تونس

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TunesienTunis-Carthage International Airport


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1080, Tunis Cedex, تونس, El Khadra, TN Tunisia
kontakter telefon: +216 71 754 000
internet side: www.aeroport-de-tunis-carthage.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.8458578, Longitude: 10.2190745

kommentar 5

  • Mhamed Ben Jmaa

    Mhamed Ben Jmaa


    Atteri à 14h00 , il est 15h00 et toujours pas de bagages, comment vous voulez promouvoir le tourisme avec un tel niveau ? Nommez les responsables de ce désordre! Je pense que certains peuvent mieux faire, les taxis de l'aéroport sont des voleurs malhonnêtes. Ils vous feront un prix à votre arrivée en fonction de la tête du client. Faites 100m à pied et prenez un taxi en dehors en sortant du parking 50 à 75% moins chère pour le même service

  • Med Mahdi Battikh

    Med Mahdi Battikh


    Small airport, quite clean restrooms, smoking areas are available. Beverages can be expensive.

  • en

    Nasser Mahmood


    Not very big airport but very efficient airline staff, immigration staff and customs staff. Changing money on arrival from abroad from dollars, euros etc is no problem. Keep the exchange receipts safely because at departing if you want to change money back to dollars, euros etc; these receipts will be required. Change only required money on arrival and if required more, it can be changed in city or at hotel desk. Changing money back to international currency on departure is a big hassle. Out of 12 or so bank counters in departure, only a few will be working. On other counters either nobody will be there or a person present, but eith a break/interval sign. Then you will be required to show receipt of first exchange and if counter is of different bank than the one you exchanged on arrival, you will be asked to go to respective bank counter. Most inconvenient job to get money re-exchanged at airport

  • Martine Simms

    Martine Simms


    A truly third world experience, actually that overstates it. Check in for Air France is a complete battleground. The passport control, or as it is called here, police control, is a totally out of word experience. Factor in one hour waiting time whilst the immigration officer scratches various parts of his anatomy, gazes blankly at anything but a passport and generally oozes an of total boredom. No signage of any use. Business class lounge resembles a railway station bar from the 1930s By far the best thing about this airport is that it is an airport and you can escape it's desperately poor service and atmosphere.

  • Emad Karim

    Emad Karim


    The airport is small and easy to navigate. Nothing really special about its design though the Tunisian design style is good. Duty free was actually big and offered some good options and discounts.

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