Sos Animaux Tunisie de Nabeul

TunisieSos Animaux Tunisie



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R27, Nabeul, Nabeul, TN Tunisia
contact téléphone: +216 25 328 328
site web:
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Latitude: 36.4835946, Longitude: 10.6999031

commentaires 5

  • Talbi Elaf

    Talbi Elaf


  • Slick Chick

    Slick Chick


    This place is a sham. We bought a puppy there (mandatory "donation" of over 100 dinars) and though the vet told us it was in good health she could not give us any paperwork whatsoever other than their own "adoption form" which had no details about the dog in question. The dog was very sick and barely survived, it cost us over 200 dinars to save it (this was immediately after adopting it). It is obvious this puppy had never been inspected by a vet and did not receive any vaccins, contrary to what we were told while adopting it. At closing time we also saw some very shady people bringing several dogs crammed in a van to sell them to the shelter, not sure what kind of business is going on there? Nice shelter for cats though, beautiful accomodation and they seem happy.

  • Greta Ghorbel

    Greta Ghorbel


    L'équipe est très accueillante, j'ai ramené un chat de la rue pour amputer une jambe suite a un accident. J'ai eu de la chance de tomber sur l'équipe de S.O.S Animaux parce que c'était le seul cabinet qui a accepté de faire opérer le chat de suite car son cas était vraiment très grave. En arrivant au cabinet j'était très sereine en laissant le pauvre chat. Rawdha est un cadeau du ciel ! Une personne généreuse, très professionnelle avec un énorme cœur! Merci pour tout ce que vous faites ! Je recommande vivement !

  • Jgrx Hfesd

    Jgrx Hfesd


  • Mona Sarrai

    Mona Sarrai


    My husband and I went to Madam Mansour the veterinarian to adopt a kitten. She did not have one available but we were impressed with her cat keeping place "chatiere". She recuperates abandoned cats. She would vaccinate them, castrate them and keep them in her chatiere for adoption. Adoption is donation based. y husband considers this place as a cat paradise. She also sells on premises few pet supplies: leashes, beds and other products. I highly recommend this business.

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