Mövenpick Hotel Gammarth Tunis de La Marsa

TunisieMövenpick Hotel Gammarth Tunis



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Lundiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Jeudiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
Avenue Taieb Mhiri, 2078, La Marsa, La Marsa Soukra, TN Tunisia
contact téléphone: +216 71 741 444
site web: www.movenpick.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 36.893385, Longitude: 10.320789

commentaires 5

  • Hager Bjornstad

    Hager Bjornstad


    A big Thanks to the Movenpick Gammarth Team! My 3rd time as a guest. For each visit, the service keeps improving and is certainly very professional compared to the local standard. A big thank you to the Reception team, the Breeze R Team, the Buffet Terrace area Team, the security and of course the Cleaning Team. Keep doing a great job with this big smile always on your face! All the best Hager

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    Simon Humphries


    Good location, outside Tunis but by the beach and close to La Marsa. 3 restaurants on site, although the Moroccan restaurant wasn't open. Access to the beach is blocked off for construction work. Well stocked gym and both inside and outside pools.

  • Ghazi Kablouti

    Ghazi Kablouti


    Nothing really special about this experience, no welcome drink, it took 30 min to check in, reception in the morning doesn't seem to be motivated, no answers to some basic questions about surroundings... Big construction site at beach area... Please send somebody to learn from the experience at the Residence Hotel in Gammarth. I like the Mövenpick location and style of the hotel, but it's just overpriced and I don't know why. So it was a good choice to stay just for one night and to move to Residence the day after. Thanks, Hopefully this helps making out your Hotel a real Mövenpick.

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    Bogdan Udriste


    The Room is quite basic but with a nice view if you get it in the first row. The remote rooms of the 2nd row are smelly (e.g. 242). The rooms would need a fresh renovation though. The back yard is nice. The breakfast is quite rich but it should be included in the room’s price. The indoor swimming pool and gym are a plus. Access to the beach was closed due to some renovation. Overall I think the hotel is overpriced for its current state. There are newer competing hotels just built around, so pay attention to quality vs. your price.




    Glad I made this choice and I would surly recommend this hotel. Amazing location, services, staff is welcoming and polite and helpful, amazing view on the sea. There is all you need in this place and the location of the Hotel although it is 30 minutes from the middle of Tunis but I find it better than staying in Tunis where it is crowded and busy and noisy. Perfect choice if you are looking for a place to relax and enjoy your stay to the maximum at the same time. Nothing went wrong and I was happy during all my stay. Maybe if you have a car, your life would be easier a bit. Many restaurants are 5-10 minutes from the hotel so if you would like to go out, am sure you will find some things that you will like close to the hotel.

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