Mohamed 5 vers tunis de Tunis

TunisieMohamed 5 vers tunis


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🕗 horaire

Avenue Mohamed 5, Tunis, Bab Bhar, TN Túnez
contact téléphone: +216
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 36.8152136, Longitude: 10.1837602

commentaires 5

  • ibrahim saddour

    ibrahim saddour


    It is a really amazing street. In fact, i think that is one of the best streets here in Tunis. The way it is designed is so different and special. There are mostly banks on the side of the roads, there are other buildings like "City of Culture" that is brand new, there is also a nice garden where i personally enjoyed hanging out with friends. This street is so long (at least in my point of view) that it gives the feeling that it's endless. To sum up, as i am familiar with most of the street in Tunis, i can confirm that being in this street is a refreshing experience.

  • Ahmed Belarbi

    Ahmed Belarbi



  • lacrim ghassen

    lacrim ghassen



  • Karim Salah

    Karim Salah



  • en

    hamdi riahi


    C excellent

Station de métro la plus proche

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