La Salle à Manger La Vinothèque by La Salle à Manger de Tunis

TunisieLa Salle à Manger La Vinothèque by La Salle à Manger



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3 rue Imam Sahnoun، Tunis 1002, Tunisia
contact téléphone: +216 71 793 283
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 36.82189, Longitude: 10.181309

commentaires 5

  • en

    Raja Ben Ayed


    A winner. Excellent food. Outstanding service. Good atmosphere. Pleasant light. A gem. Very highly recommended.

  • en

    Khalil Ayari


    I didn't give it 5 stars because of the waiter and the price. The food was great, the mood was subtle but the waiter should work more on how to treat customers. the prices are also a bit exaggerated and you need to dress up otherwise you will feel out of place.

  • sara zarti

    sara zarti


    Atmosphere has it's own tranquility and the food presentation a Long the taste was great . Also it's like a hidden gem in the downtown .

  • Dirk Adriaensens

    Dirk Adriaensens


    Great food, nice place.

  • Amr Abodraaia

    Amr Abodraaia


    Nice international kitchen, elegant place and fair quality of food

Restaurant la plus proche

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