Hotel Oscars de Tunis

TunisieHotel Oscars



🕗 horaire

Lundiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Jeudiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
Rue de Marseille, 1000, Tunis, Bab Bhar, TN Tunesien
contact téléphone: +216 71 344 755
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 36.8007723, Longitude: 10.1821335

commentaires 5

  • Judith Németh

    Judith Németh


    Borzalmas! Koszos. Nem cserélik ki az ágyneműt a vendégek után. Nagy veszekedés árán az éjszaka közepén miután megérkeztünk, saját magunknak cseréltük ki az ágyneműt. Reggel azonnal elhagytuk ezt a pokoli szállodát !!!!

  • Chokri Ghrib

    Chokri Ghrib


    و الله رزرفيت فيه وندمت، المرا متاعي gawriya malgit mangolilha. الماء متاع الدوش أصفر، الفطور ديما نفس الصحن،( كعبة يوغورت، كعبة 🥐، القهوة بارده) الكيسان مسخين، الويفي ما يوصلش الشمبري. الحاصيلوا إلي ناوي مش يقص فيه أعرف علاش قادم. و السلام

  • Tilo Körner

    Tilo Körner


    There is a discotheque downstairs. I couldn't sleep because of the music, or better to say, because of the bass. Alternatively I couldn't even enjoy the music. It was horrible. When the music went off at 4(? – didn't check) I also couldn't sleep, because the heater made noise every other minute. There is a central AC/heater, which didn't work. So there was also an AC/heater installed in my room. This thing was too noisy even in the many “silent” modes you can choose on the remote control. I didn't try the breakfast; I was just too tired to wake up on time. I recommend this hotel only for deaf people.

  • es

    Luis Rodolfo Barquero Cortes


    Buen ambiente

  • en

    Mohamed Cherni


    This Hotel Deserves At least 4 Stars. the breakfast was delicious, there is Free Wifi and there is a good Cooler too and they Have Security Too so you are sage oh and the People are very friendly. very good Service.

Lodging la plus proche

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