Hotel El Bousten فندق البستان i Hammamet Sud

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TunesienHotel El Bousten فندق البستان


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Hammamet Sud, Tunisia
kontakter telefon: +216
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Latitude: 36.397493, Longitude: 10.5707534

kommentar 5

  • Tomáš Pilík

    Tomáš Pilík


    I wasn't that much satisfied like some other people. Cockroaches were daily guests of our room's. Toilet paper .... ehm... sometimes you got something. When most of europen people have stomach problems it's really something :D Employees are ussualy kind only to europen women, especially the blond ones. Everywhere you look around you can see only the sex frustration and their sexual needs. I know it's muslim country but still.. it's uncomfortable .. But there are more things I didn't like. But it's just about price = quality.

  • Andrea Lacinova

    Andrea Lacinova


    I visited this hotel seven times. Beautiful place in Hammamet. Clear, blue sea. Long beach every time clean, without seaweed. After the storm there was a few jellyfish near the coast. Hotels staff was so friendly and nice. A great sellection of food. Thank you so much, hope to see you again..

  • Anna Jastrzebska

    Anna Jastrzebska


    Nice place but swimming pool very dirty

  • en

    Karim Mohamed


    Bathroom with low standers , food wasn't good also juice was too bad, the receptionest was rude and unpolite, swimming pool was dirty, there's no Wifi in rooms and u will suffer to connect to the one in reception, hotle need huge improvment and maintance i wouldn't recommended for anyone

  • The Expert Blog مدونة الخبير

    The Expert Blog مدونة الخبير


    Nice hotel, the advantage is the plage

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