Golf Royal i Tunis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TunesienGolf Royal


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51-53، rue Radia Haddad (ex rue de Yougoslavie)، Tunis 1001, Tunisia
kontakter telefon: +216 71 344 311
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.7989445, Longitude: 10.1838823

kommentar 5

  • Tim Weller

    Tim Weller


    Really impressed with this hotel. Located very centrally and within a short walking distance of Gare de Tunis and the medina. Pre-arrival service was good and check-in was swift and efficient, especially good as I arrived very late at night. I had a room on the refurbished 6th floor - all expected amenities were immaculately clean. The aircon was sufficient to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room. Staff were polite and professional. Buffet breakfast had a good range of cereals, cold meats and cheeses, good coffee, bread and cake and some very good pastries. The chap dealing with catering was very kind and friendly. Other reviewers have remarked about the street being difficult to access. At the time of my stay the road was cordoned off to traffic so taxis cannot drop guests immediately outside. However, the drop off point at the end of the street is only a few short steps from the hotel entrance so this really isn't a problem at all. I'd have no hesitation in recommending the hotel for a Tunis visitor.

  • Fawzi Fentri

    Fawzi Fentri


    Very nice hotel. Friendly staff and good mangement. Feel like home. Clean. Large rooms. comfortable beds Every thing in walk distance. I admire the staff and love the place.

  • en

    Vojtech Svec


    Great hotel, great service very friendly employees.

  • en



    The most disgusting hotel l have ever seen in my life the rooms are so dirty and musquito are every where in the room the air conditioner is not cold when l went to them they said what you have it’s only a fan and the air conditioner is not working because the government gives us only 3 months in the years to allow us to use it l don’t know if it’s a fact or a lie , to solve the musquito problem they only give me a spray imagine that !!!! and stay in your room until we manage to change your room

  • GirlRacerSian



    Great and friendly hotel. Very spacious rooms which have a nice size bathroom. Breakfast is all local foods so don't expect to have anything English. Internet is always good on my Samsung Galaxy but not so good with my Ipad though.

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