Echourouk Hotel de Al Qarmadah

TunisieEchourouk Hotel


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route de sidi mansour km5 sfax، Al Qarmadah 3094, Tunisia
contact téléphone: +216 74 872 855
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 34.7632265, Longitude: 10.7989018

commentaires 5

  • Brahim Oh

    Brahim Oh


  • Yessine ben hadj brahim

    Yessine ben hadj brahim


    Le juste nécessaire

  • Nemanja Pavlovic

    Nemanja Pavlovic


    First thing that you need to realise is that this is not your 15€ 5* hotel so you need to have modest expectations. Nevertheless place is great and what amazed me was the kindness of the owner! First, I believe there is no WiFi but having in mind cost of the data plan is ridiculously low in Tunisia and that you can get 3gb of internet for as little as 2.5€ this shouldnt make a big issue... Life is not just about rating hotel good or bad just because they dont have the WiFi available. Second, location even tho not central is just 15min away from the city and if you tell to any taxi driver "Sidi Mansour - Hotel Chorouk" they will get you there. Taxi is 4 tunisian dinars from any place is the city and in night its 5 which equals to ~1.5€. You can also find shared taxis and they are 2 dinars or 0.6€ to the city centre or 1 dinar or 0.3€ for local stops. Third, the roam I had was spotless clean and bright with a lot of light. I asked for a towel and new bed sheet and it was provided instantly. Kitchen amenities were not great... It had a stove and fridge that I didnt have to use and it looked in bad condition but still working. I have stayed at this hotel for 12 nights and the only bad experience I had was on 2 occasions and both were from arab guests at the hotel. They would be slamming the doors and shout loudly after midnight but this you can expect from Arabs as they dont care for anyone but themselves. As for the management there are 2 persons working at this hotel. Younger one can speak a little bit of english enough to communicate and the older gentleman who is the owner can only speak french but this didnt stop him from wishing me good morning and good night with a smile everyday!

  • ar

    Wannes Hajbrahim


    نزل الشروق

  • fr

    nasro kermou


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