César Thalasso i Djerba

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TunesienCésar Thalasso


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BP 376 Zone touristique Midoun, Djerba 4180, Tunisia
kontakter telefon: +216 75 732 600
internet side: booking.com
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Latitude: 33.8336428, Longitude: 11.0066746

kommentar 5

  • moez borgi

    moez borgi



  • Hector McGraw

    Hector McGraw


    Stayed here a few years ago, the staff were really nice & the maids were great, the grounds are kept really nice, restaurant was nice with good choice of food, weather was unreal as it was boiling, spent most of the time in the pool, a lot of French here which seemed to be annoyed at the British people stood chatting and laughing in the pool with 1 French lady walking over telling us to be quiet as it as their nap time 😂

  • naim lajnef

    naim lajnef



  • Dimitrij Garifulin

    Dimitrij Garifulin


    Had a great trip to Tunisia this july to the hotel "César thalasson". The hotel area was huge! The service and food was really awesome, i can't complain at all. A lot of different foods to choose between at all times. For some people the heat is too much but after some days you get used to it. Thank god there's air conditioning in the room. A lot of different pools, even with seawater, many possibilities to spend your time were available - even spa with massages and such! I did not just find a place to relax and calm down, i also found a new friend who happened to be the bartender in the hotelbar. His name is Hamza. He showed me the local drinks, we talked about everything, even went to clubs after his shift. You rarely find people like him in your holidays. He did not put on a role of the over-friendly service staff, he was just himself. Enjoying the holidays just like i did. I already miss this guy. If i visit Tunisia again i surely will go to César thalasson again just to see this guy. (pic related) Hope you don't mind that i post your picture buddy! :)

  • Ilunga Ilunga

    Ilunga Ilunga


    Really charmed by the kindness of the staff at this beautiful place. The food was sublime,the entertainment fantastic and the whole place just wonderful... The manager is a true gentleman....I will definitely return.I visited the place from Thursday 7/06/18 to Sunday 10/06/18.

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