Brik Ishak de Houmt Souk

TunisieBrik Ishak



🕗 horaire

Unnamed Road,, Houmt Souk, Tunisia
contact téléphone: +216 27 345 117
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 33.8652269, Longitude: 10.8680523

commentaires 5

  • Ano nymous

    Ano nymous


    So the guy Rafael who works there is such a lovely person. But the brik is not special at all. Still interesting to visit this quarter of djerba.

  • Mustafa Taleb

    Mustafa Taleb


    I have heared about this famous place and decided to try it, well nothing special as i might not liked the Brik itself. The place is too small and traditional, so don't expect something from here. I just went here for the experience to walk around the Jewish neighborhood and try the local food.

  • Waleed Baryan

    Waleed Baryan


    lovely street food

  • Ben Salem Mounir

    Ben Salem Mounir


    Nice and fresh

  • B Baker

    B Baker


    Really interesting place and outstanding food. Out of the way place you should visit. Only seats maybe 10 people with 4 specialties.

Restaurant la plus proche

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