إيبيروستار أفيرويس i Yasmine Hammamet

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Tunesienإيبيروستار أفيرويس



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Yasmine Hammamet 8052, Tunisia
kontakter telefon: +216 72 240 400
internet side: www.iberostar.com
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Latitude: 36.361792, Longitude: 10.5331086

kommentar 5

  • Marshall Keyster

    Marshall Keyster


    Very impressive hotel. The rooms are clean and quite spacious because they cater for wheelchairs. Everything about the place was impressive from the bar service to the restaurant and the chefs. The food was stock standard Mediterranean and they have a huge salad buffet. The all-inclusive package was definitely worth it. The pool was as nice as in the pictures. There is entertainment all around and you definitely get the holiday vibes. The only problem was a next door hotel that made noise until late or early in the mornings and my room faced that hotel. But all in all i will definitely go back there.

  • Inge van De Keere

    Inge van De Keere


    Good service. Nice staff. Excellent animationteam. We loved that they stayed later than their hours tot have a talk with us.

  • Samara Sami

    Samara Sami


    Perfect for vacation. The hotel is nice place to spend your holiday with family or friends. People are so friendly and always ready to help. Nice and beautiful beach, huge rooms and tasty Tunisian dishes. I spend a great holiday and hardly recommend it.

  • Vikki Morgan

    Vikki Morgan


    Amazing hotel and all staff are brilliant! We have an autistic family member with us who normally doesn’t get involved with activities. The animation team have gone above and beyond to get him involved and he has had the best time. We haven’t seen him he’s been so busy. The bar staff and waiters are looking after him also, monitoring his drinks etc as he’s 21 but on a 3 beer limit 😂 My two children 6 and 3 are loving the team and are also taking part in the activities and mini disco. giving us parents a well earned rest! My 3 year old who is a fussy eater is having chips cooked every evening as that’s all she will eat. Even the kitchen staff are making a fuss of us all. I cannot mention one particular person as I would have to praise the whole team. I cannot praise the staff and facilities of this hotel enough. Will be booking again this year ☀️ Safe, happy, and fun environment 👍🏻perfect for families

  • Fátima Silvestre

    Fátima Silvestre


    Excellent staff!! Good food, super clean, everybody is really nice and gentle! The hotel is great, the staff is fun and really helpful. Everytime we needed any information or suggestion they helped us. It was a great experience!

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