Ambassadeurs Hotel de Tunis

TunisieAmbassadeurs Hotel


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75, Avenue Taieb M'Hiri, 1002, Tunis, Omrane, TN Tunisia
contact téléphone: +216 71 846 000
site web:
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Latitude: 36.817114, Longitude: 10.1765129

commentaires 5

  • Guide Local Tourist

    Guide Local Tourist


    The rooms were very clean and the rooms were clean. Some suggested some improvements to the beds. Some suggested that the bathroom be upgraded to a location close to the heart of the city, to enjoy shopping and sightseeing nearby · Near the airport

  • Valeria Valencia

    Valeria Valencia


    Good hotel

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    Antonin Dvorak


    It is a very well placed hotel. It probably was a big thing in its time, but it is not according to current standards. In front of the zoo, you can easily get anywhere in the city. The service is okay, not always at its best. Breakfast is good, but modern hotels are offering more choices.

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    James B. Cole


    Located in a pleasant neighborhood near Parc du Belvedere, but within walking distance of the Medina and the city center. Room is comfortable, but not luxurious. There is a lively bar in the lobby. A good buffet breakfast is included in the cost of a room. Lunch and dinner available at the restaurant. Free wifi. This is the 3rd time I've stayed here.

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    Obiter Fides


    Nice hotel with enough clean rooms. Service is quite average. Food and beverage are OK.

Lodging la plus proche

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