Alhambra Thalasso Hotel de Yasmine Hammamet

TunisieAlhambra Thalasso Hotel


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Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia
contact téléphone: +216 72 240 590
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Latitude: 36.3557307, Longitude: 10.5255996

commentaires 5

  • Delcea Stefania

    Delcea Stefania


    The staff was kind and helpfull at all times. Rooms were clean and spacious, towels were changed every other day, but I wouldn’t count on them (most of them stained and rancid smelling). If you want towels for the beach/pool you need to pay extra 10 dinars or so. Generally speaking the hotel is well mantained, the SPA Pool needs a deep cleaning. The beach is mostly clean, soft and sugar like sand, you can admire the most peacefull view at the sunrise. If you want something from the beach bar you are going to have to pay extra, it opens after breakfast. The variety of food offered was quite expanded, at every meal one could find something to eat, even tough the quality of the ingredients (especially the sauces- like ketchup, mayo, etc) could be improoved.

  • Stefan Coroiu

    Stefan Coroiu


    The food is good, the rooms are nice and clean, the personell is friendly and they have everything you need. Would deffinately recomand.

  • Misslina Sa

    Misslina Sa


    The hotel doesn’t deserve 5 stars. The rooms aren’t cold enough. There’s no air conditioning in the corridors. It’s really too hot to walk from the room to the elevators. The food isn’t delicious at all. Besides, the waiters aren’t being nice to people. I will never go to this hotel again and I willingly never recommend it to anyone.

  • Nata Cherepanova

    Nata Cherepanova


    Fairly good hotel, dated rooms, good food. The sea and the beach are superb. Not real 5 star hotel but trying to look like that. If you remember that Tunisian service is slow and relaxed, you will like this hotel.

  • Carlos Casanova

    Carlos Casanova


    Great hotel with some entertainment activities and a small pool (and a close beach if you need more space). Wifi quality could be improved though.

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