Vincci Nozha Beach i Hammamet

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TunesienVincci Nozha Beach



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Route Touristique, Hammamet, Hammamet, TN Tunisia
kontakter telefon: +216 72 322 999
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.4184405, Longitude: 10.6669708

kommentar 5

  • Jan Birkelbach

    Jan Birkelbach


    This place is very busy with economy tourists on all-inclusive packages with and families. It’s on a beautiful white sand beach and has a large pool with plenty of lounges for sun bathing. Lively rather than a peaceful setting. Pool area staff are helpful and smiling, kept things tidy. While the open bar is ok, the food and beverage quality are below average. Room air conditioning worked well, but cleanliness and maintenance are barely acceptable: clean but uncomfortable bed and clumpy pillows, my phone didn’t work, 40 year old TV, old bathrooms, patio sliding door latch jammed, no Kleenex, washcloth, glasses or drinking water, and I had to go to the front desk to fill out a form and pay 2 dinars a day ( about US$0.70) to use the room safe - an administrative gulag and very inconvenient. There was loud DJ music until the wee hours at the adjacent hotel which kept most of out party awake. Overall, despite some good features, this is no more than a 3 Star property.

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    Nazma Begum


    The service of the hotel was outstanding. The relationship manager sara was excellent always went beyond to help us. The animation team was good. Seen better. Most of the time felt like there were too busy chasing the young girls especially mady he was appalling on the last day at the hotel we decided to visit the bowling and he put his drinks on our tab which was not on. Also the bar staff at the bowling were cheeky they decided to add random drinks becareful if your going to the bar. The hotel was clean. Very clean, small family hotel. Pool was always cleaned. The beach was beautiful security was always around looking after the customers.

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    Jugoslav Nastasic


    Very nice hotel 😍😍😍😍😍.i like so much animation team .fatma the best .staff bar and restaurent very good.

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    Afef Omri


    Very Nice good job clean and enjoy my stay clean roms clean bathroom clean pool restaurant amazing animation funny

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    Ahmed Ncib


    Beautiful amazing hotel with good facilities. Always smiling staff i love it :) WE can see cleaners everywhere.the bar and restaurant staff are helpful. The pool is big and the beach is clean.there is many guests ,i seen many closed hotel and hôtels with few guests but i AM happy to see tourists coming back to our lovely land

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