The Rids (Salon De Thé) i Tunis

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TunesienThe Rids (Salon De Thé)



🕗 åbningstider

Tunis, Tunisia
kontakter telefon: +216
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.8431033, Longitude: 10.278693

kommentar 5

  • en

    muhannad ibrahim


    The rids one of the best place to have breakfast, lunches or dinner or a snack, the offer a wide selection of food and drinks , shesha with different style , the place is nice and big , the quality of food and service are very high, the place is so clean and comfortable, the staff are so kind and friendly, the place in general organized, I went five times so I tried the breakfast , lunch and dinners, the all visit was good and the service was perfect , fast service and high quality , no matter how full is the place the service all the time perfect, I recommend this place for everyone, you can enjoy the food , coffee or shesha . I considered this place as a everyday place with my friends , you have to visit this place if you are looking for the taste , service and high quality . The parking is available all the time , they have a staff outside they can arrange a parking spot for you so you will have peace of mind , the location is too easy and known on the main road , they have a washrooms, outside seating area and inside seating area, different type of seats and all are comfortable, the service is very good and fast , the price are average in this area , different selection of food and drinks , the stuff are kind and friendly, the restaurant decoration and style is so nice , I recommend this place , thanks

  • ramy garmattou

    ramy garmattou


    Vraiment top, un agréable café de détente

  • en

    Ali Ben Abdelkerim



  • fr

    Sofyen M


    un cadre agréable belle ambiance avec piano accueil chaleureux service rapide personnel souriant et au petit soin la nourriture bonne carte variée avec des prix raisonnable

  • Tourismag TMG

    Tourismag TMG


    Cadre très chic. on peut y manger comme y boire un simple café ou thé.

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