Patisserie La Bourgeoise i Tunis

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TunesienPatisserie La Bourgeoise



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Tunis, Tunesien
kontakter telefon: +216 26 667 972
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Latitude: 36.8599908, Longitude: 10.2550148

kommentar 5

  • Mohamed ali chamtouri

    Mohamed ali chamtouri


    Des produits de qualité . Des gâteaux très bons et pas chers !! À recommander

  • Omar Carpentiero

    Omar Carpentiero


    Buona scelta di dolci e gelati; personale amichevole. Disponibili anche confezioni d'asporto.

  • Halima M

    Halima M


    La Bourgeoise is a pastry shop that mainly sells pastry cakes and ice cream. It is located in the Soukra area and the visual of the place is very modern, clean, and cut. I'll be frank and give this place a 3 star review because of some things about the place that I didn't really like. I truly enjoyed their pastries which are actually pretty delicious and not too heavy on your digestive system. The pastry I chose was a combination of fluffy, sweet, and dry. I will credit them for their balance of flavor and ingredients in their pastries but some things that I witnessed and tried made me not like the place so much. The ice cream isn't really that good compared to A LOT of other places I've been to that sell ice cream. I ended up not buying any ice cream after trying it. The texture of the ice cream is a bit stiff compared to the smooth creamy texture of all of the other pastry shops I've previously had the chance of trying. Another thing I didn't really like was the customer service. I usually pay attention to this part the most because usually the quality of a place is shown through their service. The quality of this pastry shop was shown through the rude service of the worker. I truly felt as if the worker was going to basically ask me to leave and let them rest. When placing my order I noticed the eye rolls, the sluggishness, and the annoyance that was basically radiating off of the worker. After all of the places I've been to in Tunisia only a select few have had rude customer service but the rest have all been a wonderfully pleasant experience. I would not really recommend this place for anyone who has a bad temper when it comes to rude service and bad ice cream. The only good thing about this place is it's cakes and it's visuals.

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    Learn With Spiderman


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    ben rejeb mohamed


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