Pâtisserie Al Madina i Tunis/Bab Bhar

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TunesienPâtisserie Al Madina


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Place de la Victoire, La Médina, Tunis/Bab Bhar, Tunisia
kontakter telefon: +216 25 681 654
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Latitude: 36.799332, Longitude: 10.175122

kommentar 5

  • Marc Sinoussi

    Marc Sinoussi


    Située juste à l'entrée de la Médina

  • tarek NOURI

    tarek NOURI


    Un bon restaurant

  • Farhat Ahmed

    Farhat Ahmed


    It’s the kind of place that makes you want to eat good food and drink great coffee. Walls of dried meats, cabinets of cheese and wooden bowls full of salad lure you in. It’s look like the kind of deli you only get in films – it’s too perfect. However, it loses a point because it’s only got a few high stools along one wall, which means it’s probably not a place to sit around for a while. However, they do open in the evening for various platters and wines.

  • Arif Jameel

    Arif Jameel


    Beautiful Cafe. Lovely view of the hustle bustle around the square

  • khaoula touati

    khaoula touati


    J'aime bienn très bon service acceptable

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