Papillon Pizza By Chef i Sfax

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TunesienPapillon Pizza By Chef



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Route Caid Mhammed, ceinture Hbib Bourguiba, Sfax, Tunisia
kontakter telefon: +216 25 600 608
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Latitude: 34.7661028, Longitude: 10.7441146

kommentar 5

  • Nemanja Pavlovic

    Nemanja Pavlovic


    I have read some of the previous reviews and I have to say that they are so wrong! The place is all time busy and the people are just doing they work.. I had a chat with 3 of them even thought i wasnt speaking french and they english skills were limited.. Perfect sandwiches, perfect taste and perfect service!

  • Anis Elloumi

    Anis Elloumi


    I only gave 4 stars just 'cause there isn't enough area to sit and eat quietly.. Otherwise, it's all good..

  • Bilel Walha

    Bilel Walha


    Nice place & fresh food

  • en

    Jlassi Med Ali


    amazing food ^_^ one of the best places in Sfax !!

  • safouen derbel

    safouen derbel


    The food is great and I would totally recommend this for anyone looking to try a tasty sandwich, the only two drawbacks though, are the prices and the small space, as the menu starts at around 6dt and the place gets crowded easily if there are many customers. Anything other than that, the place is just great, if you're hungry and only tasty food satisfies your hunger.

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