Mövenpick Resort & Marine Spa Sousse i Sousse

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TunesienMövenpick Resort & Marine Spa Sousse



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Boulevard du 14 Janvier, B.P 114, Sousse 4039, Tunisia
kontakter telefon: +216 73 202 000
internet side: www.movenpick.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.8423521, Longitude: 10.6270163

kommentar 5

  • en

    Dianne Bangali


    Returning to Movenpick is always a pleasure. Staff are always welcoming and helpful. The hotel facilities are beautiful, relaxing and comfortable. The extra security provided at the hotel entrance was reassuring, although I never felt uncomfortable or threatened while out and about in Sousse. Plus, the current exchange rate against the TDN makes it incredibly good value for money to visit Tunisia.

  • Irfan Abbas Pirani

    Irfan Abbas Pirani


    Amazing experience, specially for staff friendly behavior, good room, services, food, everything is Excellent. I'm loving it.....

  • en

    Александр Царюк


    My wife and I rested from 22 to 30 April 2018. We really liked the hotel itself, the food and especially the attitude of the staff. All the hotel staff, with whom we had to contact were polite, professional and attentive. Special thanks I ask to transfer to Madame Basme, who helped us on any questions. The only wish: the presence of a preschool who speaks Russian.

  • en

    Michael Strand


    Very good value for Money and excellent view from the room. However only one outside pool was open. Breakfast was perfect. Always nice with the omelet guy preparing your omelet.

  • Denise Autumn

    Denise Autumn


    Our stay at the Mövenpick definitely was worthwhile. The hotel is extremely fancy and treats its guests luxuriously. Especially the employees are very nice and do everything they can to make their guests feel comfortable. The hotel amenities are always fully functioning and make the experience at Mövenpick a quite spectacular one, adding to the simply stunning location by the sea. And all this one may find for a very reasonable price. My only criticism would be the poor strength of the internet connection, which barely suffices to check your emails. But apart from that, everything was perfect.

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