La Kasbah i Kairouan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TunesienLa Kasbah


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Rue Sidi Abdelkader, Kairouan, Kairouan North, TN Tunisia
kontakter telefon: +216 77 237 301
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Latitude: 35.6796445, Longitude: 10.099386

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nasser Mahmood


    Had lunch here. Nice place, excellent impressive syructure

  • Jack Barnes

    Jack Barnes


    Great hotel in a fort. Must stay for any visitor to the city. Rooms are a little dated. Foyer is grand. Breakfast is pretty good. Friendly and helpful staff. I would stay again.

  • en

    Peng Johan


    Hardware is o.k. no English sign, noisy, air conditioner broken. In Tunisia should be a high level of hotel but not international .

  • Taher Mestiri

    Taher Mestiri


    Great hotel, nearly the best in Kairouan but getting old and needs to be renovated.

  • Megan Mahone

    Megan Mahone


    The building itself is super impressive, but the rooms were lackluster. Most of the staff were polite. We were disappointed with the hookah cafe. They required every person in your group to order a dessert and a coffee/tea in order to place an order for one hookah. It's probably the nicest place in town to stay.

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