Kairouan Central Mosque i Kairouan

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TunesienKairouan Central Mosque


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Rue De La Kasbah, Kairouan, Kairouan North, TN Tunisia
kontakter telefon: +216 76 489 133
internet side: www.patrimoinedetunisie.com.tn
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Latitude: 35.6813798, Longitude: 10.1042574

kommentar 5

  • إياد



    It's an amazing monument and place of Islamic worship !!!

  • en

    Nasser Mahmood


    World heritage site. Named after conqurer of North Africa Aqaba Bin Nafeh. Magnificent structure.

  • Turky Bukhary

    Turky Bukhary


    It’s amazing but i suggest the government to hire some educated stuff around

  • oguzhakan taskun

    oguzhakan taskun


    If you are travelling Tunisia this is a must see . Don't just come to visit but soak up the spirituality and tranquility of the mosque.

  • K leo

    K leo


    This historic mosque is still in good standing and not appearing too old. It's in simplistic style. It's good to visit, but hey, why do I have to pay money to visit a holy place? And when somebody calls it a masterpiece, then it's disappointing and even insulting. Look, one of the most striking features of the mosque is the marble columns. But those are second hand materials taken from other great civilisations. And worse yet, they appear to be in different sizes, and different styles. So the place was pretty hacked up.

nærmeste Moske

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