Hôtel Royal Azur Hammamet i Hammamet

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TunesienHôtel Royal Azur Hammamet


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42, Rue de la Corniche, Hammamet, Hammamet, TN Tunisia
kontakter telefon: +216 72 248 660
internet side: www.lesultan.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.4003743, Longitude: 10.6320532

kommentar 5

  • taha attia

    taha attia


    Decent service good rooms kind staff clean and delicious food great view specially from the higher rooms decently equipped in general for a 3 star hotel you cant expect any better

  • scott coxey

    scott coxey


    Can not fault the excellent food and wonderful service from the staff - only complaint is the disregard to the no smoking policy when some guests choose to smoke and staff turn a blind eye

  • Billy Lewis

    Billy Lewis


    This a great place to go on holiday there are some really nice places to go and see there are lots of shops to go in and have a look round and lots of food places to go in and really nice people here to I had a great time here and there are lots of places to go and see

  • samir clubistiano

    samir clubistiano


    bon hotel

  • Belgaroui Chaima

    Belgaroui Chaima


    Wonderful place!Excellent service!Very professional staff!Rooms super clean!An unforgettable stay :)

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