Hotel Jalta i Bizerte

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TunesienHotel Jalta


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Route De La Corniche, Bizerte 7000, Tunisia
kontakter telefon: +216 72 439 949
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.2997674, Longitude: 9.8702287

kommentar 5

  • en

    Claudia Di Trapani


    Simple hôtel, mais les chambres bien nettoyé, et 1 Bellevue sur la mer! Diner très simple. Si on cherche 1 auberge moins chèr à Bizerte, ça c'est le choix. On était 2 femmes seules, qu fois c'est necessaire de refuser des "invitations" des Messieurs qui frequentent le Bar, aussi pendant la journee. The Pool was clean and they serve drinks and snacks there. There is no beach, you enter the sea via stairs directly. But the sea was very clear and clean, a pleasure to swim there. Every room has a balcony, the sea is only meters away and the view was breathtaking. You can sleep with the pleasant sound of the waves. The waiter for Dinner Service in the restaurant was, with all due respect, unfriendly. Just not made for customer service. The staff for breakfast buffet the contrary, very kind and friendly. Breakfast is simple, but they offered joghurts, fruits, toast and baguette. Reasonable for the price. Tea drinkers are fine, but for the coffee, it's better to order it in the Bar or at the pool side afterwards. I recommend to do the reservation by calling the hotel directly, they offer better prices than they do on the internet.

  • Marwen Ben Ameur

    Marwen Ben Ameur


    I'd give 3 stars but there is no elevator. The service is above average but the food options are very limited

  • en

    Khalil Deutsh


    It's wonderfoul hotel Very good jalta club hotel

  • ajlani nabil

    ajlani nabil


    Excellent Service

  • Houda Rouaissi

    Houda Rouaissi


    this hotel is just OK..but really nothing more can be said about them.

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