Hotel Iberostar Diar El Andalous i سوسة

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TunesienHotel Iberostar Diar El Andalous



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40, Port El Kantaoui BP, 4089, سوسة, Akouda, TN Tunisia
kontakter telefon: +216 73 246 200
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.902096, Longitude: 10.589592

kommentar 5

  • en

    Riad Hameg


    Nice hotel good service animation cool'fany and pro special tanx to sagon and the hole team of animation

  • en

    Billel Maoudj


    nice hotel good service nice animation wonderfull show frendly team special thanks to sagon

  • Ricardo Correia

    Ricardo Correia


    Very nice hotel, excelente animation with Marwan and the rest of the team! I would recomended all the time.

  • Nouara Frai

    Nouara Frai


    Nice hotel frendly stuf nice and professionnel animation thankyou sagon and the hole team nice work kipe it on

  • en

    Mohamed Dhahbi


    My wife and I, enjoyed our six weeks stay at this great peaceful hotel. All staff are friendly and welcoming. InshaAllah will be back soon.

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