Caribbean World Borj Cedria Hotel i Borj Cédria

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TunesienCaribbean World Borj Cedria Hotel


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Zone Touristique BP 47, Borj Cédria 2050, Tunisia
kontakter telefon: +216 71 411 040
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.7114, Longitude: 10.415172

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nousa Nisa


    worst experience everrrrr stay away from this scam!!! dirtyyyyyyyy

  • Shr Jinhwa

    Shr Jinhwa


    As a student with my coussine I have good time twice there near the huge picine .. The view is also nice ..With only 20 DT I can enter and pass the whole day but there are rubbich and inpolite people .. I think it can be better after all it's okey

  • en

    Mohamed Ahmed


    extremely disappointing in cleaning and service

  • en

    Nasr eddine CHARCHARI


    As a familly, for seven nights by the end of august and here is the most important information I can help with: The cleanliness 3/5 Room service 2.5/5 Wifi connection 0/5 no connection in the rooms TV 0/5 no TVs in rooms just some old TVs as decoration, I asked three times in the reception area to correct it, they say "okay, no problem, we will fix it" each time but no one comes to fix it. Pool 4/5 there are 3 nice swimming pools Private beach 4/5 Divertissement 2/5 some games and Staff 3/5 Room service 2.5/5 Air conditionner: 4/5 in my room but it seems like some other guests were complaining from their AC. Animation: 4/5 great animatiin when the hotel is full Location: in a small town far from the noise of the city. Transportation: the train station is not too far b And taxis are available, no bus and no other transportation except this. Also, the money exchange rate is really bad here, it,s better to change your money at banks (almost 20 tunisian dinars in each dollar difference wich means around 18% commision.) Was it helpfull to you ?

  • Bishoy Alber

    Bishoy Alber


    Nice staff, poor service

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