Acropole Hotel Tunis i Tunis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TunesienAcropole Hotel Tunis


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Les Berges Du Lac Walkway, Tunis, El Khadra, TN Tunisia
kontakter telefon: +216 71 961 947
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Latitude: 36.8344057, Longitude: 10.2398566

kommentar 5

  • en

    Aiman Shgeifa


    Good hotel for business trip and short stay

  • en

    Cons Santos


    Clean, nice & cozy place, nice staff but i little bit pricey

  • Tou Fik

    Tou Fik


    Nice hotel conveniently located near les Berges du Lac. Rooms are ok and staff friendly. Food is ok but could be improved. Good for value hotel if you’re around in Tunis just for few nights (especially around les Berges du Lac).

  • en

    Ivan Sousa


    Very nice hotel. Be carefull with the taxis. The white cabs will take out your money

  • PtitNFit R

    PtitNFit R


    The reviews i read were sort of confirmed. The Hotel is very badly maintained, for me it surely does not deserve the four stars it holds. The rooms need maintenance, the staff are very helpful and welcoming, but they cannot do wonders. The breakfast buffet is so unappealing I was happy to pack my cereals with me, hardly drank water. Nothing is offered complimentary in the room, not even a bottle of water or hot beverages. Way too expensive for what it is. The lunch was ok but everything lacked freshness, and the internet connection is very unstable.

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